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Please mind that the data which you provide should be of minimum scope, i.e. only those which are necessary to contact us or for identification purposes. Do not provide any confidential information, including but not limited to: date of birth, payment card details, information concerning health or family situation.

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In the event of contacting us and providing us with your personal data, we inform you that the personal data shall be processed by Cinema City Poland Sp. z o.o., Fosa 37 street, 02-768 Warszawa as a data controller. We inform that the personal data shall be processed for the purpose of contact referred to your questions. We inform that replies to the questions are voluntary and a data subject has the right of access to and the right to rectify his data. We kindly inform that Ms. Katarzyna Ułasiuk is Cinema City’s Data Protection Officer, and DPO's e-mail address is [email protected]